Customer references

The most effective way of getting an impression of our products and mini kitchens is seeing them in use. We are always delighted when customers send us pictures of their mini kitchen “in action”, and are happy to publish them here. This will give you a much better idea which of our mini kitchens best meets your requirements and how you may want to make use of it.

Examples of our mini kitchens in action

Limatec AG

Kreuzlingerstrasse 71
CH-8590 Romanshorn
Phone +41 (0)71 466 75 40
Fax +41 (0)71 466 75 49

Office opening hours:

Monday to Friday
9.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.
14.00 - 16.00
Visits to the showroom kitchens and barbecues only on request.

Online Shop

Visit our online store and see our large selection for yourself.

Online Shop
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